Saturday 18 June 2016

Request to my Readers

Hi All.

So I’d started a series on Archetypes and noticed that readership wasn’t doing so well. I realize part of that is me! I’ve not been writing regularly. The series was supposed to help accomplish that. But it seems that perhaps it’s not what you’re looking for. And that’s okay. So would you mind copy and pasting the questions below and paste them into the comment box below and then answer the two questions. I’d really appreciate it.


So here’s the big question:

  1. What things would you like me to write about?
  2. Have you found some of my writing to be inspirational/helpful? If so would you mind giving me an example by quoting one of the blog entry titles in your answer and how it inspired you.

from WordPress

Friday 3 June 2016

You Sank My Battleship!!!!

I am my own worst enemy!
I am my own worst critic!
I am a failure and/or a loser!

Now I’m quite aware that these aren’t the most positive statements to start off today’s entry. But isn’t it true of nearly everyone (except those who are totally perfect)? Even if we never state these words, they ring very clearly in our heads at times of stress, loss, unexpected change, demotions, job loss, illness, relationship ending and many, many other deep and dark places on the Haunted House Ride on the midway of life, which can seem what our lives look like.

As many of you know, the last five years for me have been the most challenging years of my life. For those of you who didn’t know that, here’s a small preview into my Haunted House Ride these last five years:

  • Started a successful business as a Consultant for ‘charities’
  • Got married a year later
  • Ended that marriage after only ten months (we were together a total of 10 ½ years)
  • Took my first ‘alone’ trip to Mexico
  • Lost a major contract
  • Slipped into my first deep depression during this time period
  • Picked up another exciting contract
  • Divorce was finalized after a very ugly battle
  • Went on my second big trip as a single; but this time with my son
  • Came home to a mess with the ‘exciting’ contract
  • Discovered that the Executive Director had been dishonest with the funders and they pulled the funding
  • Resigned from that project after working to move it into a program rather than project
  • Had several months of no work slipping further into debt
  • Had a sudden move of house and home
  • Came an inch within claiming bankruptcy but managed to make it through with a Consumer Proposal
  • Had to officially close my consulting practice due to how the economy affected charities
  • Slipped into my second deep depression during this time
  • Trained for and continue my studies in Celebrant work
  • and on and on the ride goes….

During this time I was often plagued with anxiety, depression and self-sabotaging thoughts. Then I started to learn about Archetypes, reading author Caroline Myss. And I suddenly realized that I was indeed my own worst enemy and critic. But I’m not a loser – even if I felt that way some days.

Myss defines the Saboteur archetype thusly:

The Saboteur archetype is made up of the fears and issues related to low self-esteem that cause you to make choices in life that block your own empowerment and success. As with the Victim and Prostitute, you need to face this powerful archetype that we all possess and make it an ally. When you do, you will find that it calls your attention to situations in which you are in danger of being sabotaged, or of sabotaging yourself. Once you are comfortable with the Saboteur, you learn to hear and heed these warnings, saving yourself untold grief from making the same mistakes over and over. Ignore it, and the shadow Saboteur will manifest in the form of self-destructive behaviour or the desire to undermine others.

Down the line I will start to bring in the Astrological Wheel. But I wanted to make a quick note here, so that you (and I) see how the Saboteur can affect you (me). My Saboteur falls into the First House which is represented by the sign Aries. And the area of my psyche that Aries represents is Ego & Personality. It also affects Chakras 1 & 3.

Now what does that all mean? Well it can mean whatever you want it to mean really. And the meaning will different from one person’s truth to another person’s truth. But for I can see throughout my nearly 53 years that the Saboteur has been very active in breaking down my ego (positive ego-self esteem) and my personality. And I can see the spiritual effects and damage in my body in Chakras 1 & 3 which represent our groundedness, our roots, our family & loyalty (chakra 1-The Root) and lack of honouring myself, self respect, self esteem, discipline, courage and ethics (chakra 3 The Solar Plexus).

Self-SabotageI have found myself both struggling with the above and actually, sometimes not even being aware of it, self sabotaging.

On a physical level these two chakras represent our lower back and connection to the organs below the liver. I have allowed this sabotage to affect my lower back (disks) and often my gut.

Have you ever noticed that when you have that very important meeting that you get so nervous that you will fail in your presentation that you have to spend the hour previous in the bathroom?

For me that’s when my Saboteur is trying to destroy my self-esteem, self-confidence and also my gut. There have been times when I’ve allowed something upset me to the point of actually being physically ill.

So my lesson in this life has been to realize that all is as it’s supposed to be. That I am not alone; that all is one. I have learned to honour myself and my needs. We have a real issue with the term selfish. But it can have ver positive meaning too. It can simply mean taking care of the self. Not over indulging it because that becomes self-sabotage.

These days my Saboteur stands as a Sentinel for my life. Almost like a Guardian Angel. When I allow my Saboteur to speak to me before those situations occur, or by stepping back when they occur, I can actually look backwards and see how similar situations/events occurred and how I permitted them to do damage and then become present and not allow that to happen again.

Have I mastered it? Not at all! I am still a student who has so much to learn. Riding the roller coaster can be so much fun! But if I don’t use my common sense (Saboteur) and don’t buckle in or stand up or something equally as foolish, I will be thrown from the ride of life and be broken again and again. My Saboteur, Guardian Angel, Common Sense keeps me whole.

Since we all possess this archetype, I’d encourage you to stop and take a few minutes and allow the Saboteur to speak to you now. Ask: “What situations am I involved in that will bring me harm? What can I do to avoid bringing harm to another person? How can you, my Saboteur, show me a better way, a safer way, a more fun way, of living my life?”


What are your Archetypes up to?

Next week: The Victim

Other blog entries in this series (first to most recent)

Archetypes on the Midway
Four Survival: The Child
Prostitute! How Rude
You Sank My Battleship!

from WordPress

Friday 13 May 2016

Untitled Entry - Read Full Article

So I thought that I’d pick the archetype that bothered me the most when I first started this journey, thinking that you may be bothered by having a “Prostitute” as one of your survival archetypes.

I grew up in a world that was very strict and super conservative in religious beliefs. So hearing that I’m carrying a Prostitute around in my back pocket just didn’t cut it!

I’m so glad I didn’t give up at that point. If anything when someone says to me, “You can’t do it!” it makes me all the more stubborn to show I can do it! Sometimes stubborn is a good thing. Sometimes not! But that’s another discussion on another Archetype!

So, the Prostitute. I want re-emphasize, like the author, Dr. Caroline Myss, that these archetypes are ‘energies’ we have access to, or ‘parts of ourselves’, and most importantly, they hold no good or malice. They just are. And the title that Dr. Myss gives may not work for you, so rename it something that does work for you. She chose it because it made sense to her and because she opened her mind and heart to not the societal judgment, but to the purpose of this archetype.

I’m hoping I don’t get in trouble for a direct quote from her book, Sacred Contracts. I’m giving full credit to her work and recommending that you either go buy the book (paperback if you like to make notes, Kindle if not) or get it at the library and read it. There is no way I could do her decades of work any justice when I’ve only been on this journey for less than a year!


The Prostitute archetype engages lessons in integrity and the sale or negotiation of one’s integrity or spirit due too fears of physical and financial survival or for financial gain. This archetype activates the aspects of the unconscious that are related to seduction and control, whereby you are as capable of buying a controlling interest in another person as you are in selling your own power. Prostitution should also be understood as the selling of your talents, ideas, and any other expression of the self – or the selling-out of them. This archetype is universal and its core learning relates to the need to birth and refine self-esteem and self-respect. -> Page 407, Sacred Contracts, Caroline Myss.

Does that help? The bolding and underlining are mine. You may or may not remember that last week I said that all Archetypes have a Light and Shadow side to them. Here’s how I see the Prostitute from my emphases above:

Engages lessons in integrity
Selling of your talents, ideas and self-expression (your work, qualifications, abilities for a greater cause)

Selling or negotiation of one’s integrity
Selling or negotiation of one’s spirit
Seduction and control of others and/or situations
Selling of one’s own power (disempowerment)
Selling of your talents, ideas and self-expression (selling out)

Above you see that I put selling of your talents, ideas and self-expression in BOTH categories. That’s because we can sell ourselves, for example, when applying for a job, selling a project, even selling one’s self for a relationship (light). We can also sell out in situations when our integrity is being tested and we allow ourselves to be pushed around, abused, manipulated, disempowered.

Maybe a gentle name for this Archetype could be Salesman. But I now feel comfortable with Prostitute. It seems to hold the description better for me.

So now, what about a life example? I will give you two. I have MANY, believe me!

Situation 1:

I worked for a man who had a great ‘intention’ in helping men who were being pushed around by the system either in the process or after separation and divorce. These men often found themselves paying too much support for their income, kept from seeing their children, maligned by the other parent and a whole lot more.

What a great cause right? Or so I thought. I tried for three plus years to change him by allowing just little things to slip. I would ignore lies about funding. I would write proposals to organizations and government with little white lies or manipulated statistics in them. I would write proposals asking for money, knowing that money was being funnelled from those proposed programs to other non-related programs and activities and even a person pocket!

I believe that women have had it tough! I really do. I consider myself to be a third wave feminist. But I also believe that in the fight over chattels and children BOTH parties play some very terrible games. Women have wonderful resources available to them. Our community had a fantastic support system for women but nothing for men. So this organization was started for that purpose.

At first I was oblivious to it all. Then I saw this man manipulating people and raging around like a madman on more than one occasion. I learned the ‘other side’ of his marital woes, too. Keep in mind that there are always at least three truths, my truth, your truth, and the truth in the middle.

But there came a day when I was alone in the centre and forced to go looking for a receipt to return a defective thumb drive. Everyone was on vacation. As I went looking through files and records I realized that I’d had my head of my #$$ for too long. I had to leave and I did.

But for three years I turned a deaf ear, blind eye or what have you on the premise that I could be part of doing good. But when I sat down with Spirit that day I realized I was really in it for the security of a job.

I had sold myself out!

The Light side of the Prostitute archetype showed me this. And has been showing me this again and again BEFORE it gets that far. It has made me unpopular, lose jobs and contracts and much “security”.

Situation 2:

This is a very personal one and I don’t share it out of malice. Forgiveness has happened and nothing meant for harm done.

fell in love with a man. And I believe he fell in love with me. I don’t think we could have lasted 11.5 years otherwise. But there was one major problem. He had addiction issues. He also needed to have sexual freedom. In so many ways he was a wonderful man and I loved him to death. In fact it almost ended that way. I kept turning a blind eye, keeping the peace, pretending, not communicating my needs until my health failed me and I ended up in a cardiac ward. I was there for several days and he never visited me. I knew in my heart what was going on. But even there, in that desperate state, I sold out.

I had two friends visit me. They literally saved my life that day. We’ve since grown apart and that saddens me. But I remember one of my friends went on a racket about how I was left there for days alone with no visits. Her partner hushed her, took me by the hand and said, “James, you know that the heart issues you’re having are NOT because of your family genes. You know why? You have a broken heart! Now what are you going to do about it?” That statement, although delivered in love, hit me like a brick wall. And in that moment I knew she was correct. Once again I had prostituted myself. Once again I had given into fear and wanted security and a future and a dream, which was now a nightmare!

Not too long after I moved out and began divorce proceedings I met another man. He was lovely! He wined me and dined me! I was cautiously optimistic. But I soon realized that he was lying to me as well. This time my Prostitute archetype made me aware and listened.  I ended it only after 3 or 4 weeks.


Now both of these situations have stories inside of stories and truth on both sides as well as fault on both sides. It’s not my purpose to point fingers only at myself. If I had listened to the inner voice (I didn’t know about archetypes then) I would have never allowed myself to be in either of those situations.

So you see the Prostitute archetype does indeed work for us. We can take that power and either use it for good or not. I still battle every day almost with this. To listen to what looks like security and not. I am a Cancer after all. Security is big. Home is big. Family is big. Nice things is big. But I hope that my journey had paved the way for me to never sell myself out or short again.

‘Til next week…

Remember that you are AWESOME, created for awesome things. Never sell out or sell yourself short.

from WordPress

Friday 6 May 2016

Four Survival!

That’s NOT a spelling error! I meant foUr!

In Caroline Myss’ book, Sacred Contracts, Myss starts off the process of discovering my Archetypes by saying that we all share the same basic four. Now as I read what she called them I really had to keep an open mind. I’m asking you to do the same. They are Archetypes that are very active right from childhood.

These four are:

  1. The Child
  2. The Victim
  3. The Saboteur
  4. The Prostitute

Now, probably like you I wasn’t overly thrilled beyond number one! But Myss goes on to say that you can call them whatever you want. These are the names that she gave because she felt that they made sense. And now that I’ve done the work I understand the titles more and agree.

Keep in mind that these Archetypes are parts of your inner self. They are energies within our own psyche.

Innocent ChildThe Child represents innocence. We who grew up in the 70’s heard tons about searching out our inner child and getting in touch with our inner child. Unfortunately society painted the inner child is a place of victimhood. This is NOT what we are going to do here. The Child Archetype, as I understand it, is that part of us that represents the innocent, naive, playful, in need of direction energy. Children are born. I have to say here that I do not believe that we are born into sin as some would have us believe. Have you looked at a newborn lately? That innocent little life! That little bundle of joy needs us to care for him/her. It a few years before they start to show that side of them which some call sinful. And even then, is it? Or is it learning about the world around him. Learning to push boundaries so that she can grow up strong and independent? Yes, as we age we learn to do things that are not desirable. We learned to hurt others – our siblings first, if we had any. We learned to steal. We learned to be prejudice (likely from our parents).

A child must be brought up in a way that is going to bring about a strong adult. A child must be shown compassion in order to show it to others. A child must be led by the hand and told not to put his hand on the stove or herself in harm’s way. That is the job of the parent and the surrounding community. Although the nuclear family seems to have dumped it all on the parent with very little support from the community as in days past.

As this Child Archetype matures, he can become a magical Child, or Divine Child, or perhaps the Wounded Child, or the Orphaned Child. Some children never seem to grow up so they remain the Eternal Child.

Miss goes on to say that each Archetype (facet of our own personhood) has a Light side and a Shadow side. Now I bet, because of the way I phrased it you automatically connected the Eternal Child with those guys who just never grow up and always need a mommy to take care of them. And you are partly correct! But that’s just the shadow side. The Eternal Child who remains in the Light becomes that innocent adult. Perhaps the one who sees everything through rose-coloured glasses. Perhaps that person who seems to possess a childlike faith. Perhaps that person who seems to so easily identify with children and no matter when or where he gets right down on the floor, in his tux, and plays with the little child needing some attention.

Magical ChildThe Magical Child, is somewhat similar. She can have a faith beyond compare. She can conjure up anything good that she needs. She is delightful to be around, because her child loves to play with magic (the unexplainable).

What about the Wounded Child? Well that has a Light and Shadow as well. My Wounded Child, when I discovered him back in 2000 doing some introspective counselling was the little boy, James, sitting in a dark corner holding on to his teddy bear, crying, terrified, abused, bruised and bleeding. And that’s okay…well sort of. No child should ever have to endure abuse of any kind. No child should ever need to feel terror. The shadow wounded child, I used to make excuses for behaviour. Oh, I’m not very tolerant of that because my mommy used to beat me. Or I am afraid to show myself to the other boys in the shower because so-and-so molested me! I entered into a dialogue of woundology which back them seemed to be acceptable. If we could blame our bad behaviours on someone else legitimately then why not? I’ll tell you why not! It’s because that kind of blaming creates a sinkhole in our souls. We get sucked into it. We allow our lives to come from a place of victimhood. We join ‘support groups’. I’m not a fan of support groups to be honest. Yes! There are some excellent ones out there. But they are groups that should spurn you on into adulthood causing you to take your own behaviours and claim them for what they are…your choices! Not the devil made me do it! Too many of the support groups promote woundology and keep you sick. Is that how you want to be supported? Do you want your child to remain in that dark corner, powerless and crying. If so, all the power…or powerlessness to you! I’m a big boy now! Well that was a bit of a rant!

This Child Archetype has a wonderful side. He is the innocent one. She is the faithful one. He is the Archetype that warns you when someone is about to stomp all over your life and hurt you. She is the one that tells you to get off your ass and go play on the floor with the kids…or the adults!

The Shadow Child Archetype is the child from two paragraphs ago. The one who wants you to feel powerless because the world (adults) is a terrifying place. He is the one who will rant and yell and stomp his feet until he gets his candy (or way at work). She is the one who engages in woundology behaviour and totally disempowers you.

We all have the Child Archetype. And for Light or shadow, we have engaged that child in a variety of ways both to serve us positively or to disempower us.

What is your Child Archetype up to?

Next week: The Victim

from WordPress

Friday 22 April 2016

Up Up and Away

No I’m not going to start singing!

080815 Close Up Me2At the beginning of January I entered into a Service Canada program called the Self-Employment Program. It is one of many Federal Programs that they funnel money to the Provinces and then to organizations. I accessed this same program in 2008 when I started my Consulting Biz! It’s actually a really good program. But there are many hoops to jump through and it can be a bit frustrating. Since I’ve spent most of my working life in not-for-profits, jumping through funding hoops is a norm. Apparently since it’s been more than five years since my last start-up I am permitted to access the program again. Very cool!

Again, it’s not been without its challenges. The program promises a monthly allowance while you work through the training, Business Plan writing, set-up, launch and first several weeks, even months. My first challenge was with Employment Insurance and whether or not I fell into their criteria because of various reasons. So I pushed through it and started the program. But I had no income for he first two months! It was very, very scary! But that’s all in place now and I’m into the second phase; set-up and start-up.

Hands M-FSo what am I doing? Well, that’s the interesting part. Most of you will know that I was an ordained minister at 23 with The Salvation Army. I left their ‘ministry job’ in 1995 just a few weeks before my Mum died and never looked back. I entered into local SA employment and climbed the ladder to become the Business Administrator. When I came out in 2000 I lost that job and all connections with the SA. That’s another story.

Pose Buttoniers M-MSince then I have held all kinds of jobs. But in 2013 I found out about a series of training courses available to me through The Celebrant Foundation and Institute. These courses have allowed me to get current with what’s going on in the ceremonial world. Short story, long (here’s the link to the long), I have been certified and now re-ordained so that I can now not only conduct end-of-life ceremonies (funerals, memorials, Celebrations of Life) which I’ve continued to do on and off through the years, but I am now licensed to conduct legal marriages in the province of British Columbia. I have also taken other levels of training including LGBTQ Ceremonies, Weddings, Healing/Transitional Ceremonies and more. My next jump will be my Masters’ level.CFI Logo

So, I’ve been trained and certified as a Certified Life-Cycle Celebrant™ and now have been permitted to start a business. I’m stoked!!! My site is still a work in progress. Perhaps one day I will actually be able to have one of those beautifully created sites. This one I’ve put together with a WordPress Theme (same way as I did this blog). So, have a look. If you have any suggestions or see any needed edits, please use the addy below to contact the Owner – Moi!!!

And if you know anyone that needs a ceremony, please refer them

Full Site

Mobile site



Pride Owned Operated

from WordPress

Friday 15 April 2016

It’s the Small Things

hamperYou know how we tend to worry about the small things. You know, those pesky details, perhaps in our latest project at work: “Did I do…?” “What if I didn’t…?” “What if he/she/they forgot..?” Or perhaps, “Of course! It’s my only day off in weeks and it’s cloudy!” Or, “God! I wish he’d learn to pick his socks up off of the floor!!! That’s what a laundry hamper is for!”

Well for me, right now, three weeks post, I find it’s the little things that I miss about my Gracie. Me coming out in the morning to find her laying on her doggie heating pad, snuggled into the beautiful red plush blanket. I would hear her before I saw her actually. As soon as I opened my door I’d hear a couple of ‘thump, thumps’ of her wee red and black ringed tail, and then the full-out tail crashing as she rolled over on her back and stretched for all she was worth begging for me to rub her tender, soft belly. I miss that little blonde patch on her back!

I also miss hearing the “pft, pft” sound that her pads made on the rug as she followed me around. I miss her scent! She always smelled so clean and baby-like, unless she was nervous or sick. I think Grace had only as many baths as she had years! Even then that was a blast! She would be so good in the sink, albeit rigid like an ironing board. Then I’d wrap her up in a big fluffy towel and give her a good rub, put her down on the tile floor for a slight slip and she’d go nuts rubbing herself on the rug and sniffing and sneezing.

But the small thing I miss the most? It’s her gentle energy as she would lie either on the heating pad or snuggled under a blanket beside me. Her quiet breathing. He gentle rising and falling belly as she slept soundly. The occasional whimper as she chased after a ball in her sleep. The quiet!

Oddly, it’s still quiet. But it’s missing something. It’s an empty quiet, if you know what I mean. It’s definitely getting better. I don’t cry at the drop of a hat now. In fact it’s been several days now since I cried at all. Funny! I just thought, the title to this entry, It’s the small things. She was small. Usually less than 10 pounds.

Gracie Sechelt 2013It’s different now than three weeks ago, though. Now I’m thankful for those small things. I’m thankful for the joy she brought me. I’m thankful for the early days alone when she’d bring me a torn up toy to play to literally shake me out of a funk. I’m thankful for the moments I had with her laying on the beach in Sechelt a few summers back. She was snuggled next to me in the scorching sun. She loved the sun. Like father like……Gracie. I had to set up a little tent that day with her green blanket and on the car blanket I carry with me in. But she was determined to be right beside me, even though I was wet with sweat and it was a bit uncomfortable.

Gracie UrnThis past Wednesday, Sarah and I went back to the Duncan Animal Hospital to pick up Gracie’s urn. We’ve decided not to bury her ashes. We’ve decided that we want to keep her in the urn. We’ve also decided to have a small memorial ceremony on June 26th, presided over by a fellow Life-Cycle Celebrant™. I’ve never been one who advocates keeping cremated remains of a person. But somehow, this is different. It’s Gracie.

It’s just one of those small things!

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